How to solve the incomplete download data

How to solve the incomplete download data

Problem details: When you open your NDA data of one channel, the data is incomplete because of some reason.

What you can do to view the complete data. There are two methods to solve this problem.

Method 1: Click the blue letters and open the NDA data store folder. Delete original data file. Then view the data again, if the data is still incomplete, then continue the second method.


Method 2:

(1) Open you software folder, find the DfDataImport.exe ( NEWARE - BTSServer - bin) and open it.

(2) Choose “MYSQL - NDC”, enter your device type( usually BTS82), device No., unit No., channel No., test ID, and select the exporting path( It is best to store them on the desktop to easily find), and click “ Export”.

(3) You will find a “NdcFile” folder in the desktop. Copy all data of this file.

(4) Open the NdcFile of the software ( NEWARE - BTSServer - NdcFile), find the original data of the channel test ( All data is sorted by the date, just find the date file folder and open it) Right click any blank area and choose “Paste”and “ Replace the files in the destination”.  The new NDA data will replace the old one. Finally, back to the test main window and select “ View data again”.


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